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Morochove & Associates Inc., computer consulting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Can-AccTech e-mail discussion forum commands

This is a simple Web interface to the Can-AccTech e-mail discussion forum. For more information about Can-AccTech, please visit the Can-AccTech list page.

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Subscribe to Can-AccTech discussion forum

To subscribe to the Can-AccTech e-mail discussion forum, enter your e-mail address in the box below and click "Subscribe". You will receive a confirmation message at the address you enter here. You must follow the instructions in that e-mail confirmation message to acknowledge your request and activate your subscription.

Do you want the List version that delivers each individual message as it's dispatched or the Digest version that delivers a consolidated message about once a day?
Your E-mail Address:
Check this box to have a copy of the command e-mail sent to you.

After you click the subscribe button, you will be returned to the Can-AccTech home page automatically.

Unsubscribe from Can-AccTech discussion forum

To unsubscribe from the List or Digest version, enter your e-mail address in the box below and click "Unsubscribe".

List or Digest?
Your E-mail Address:
Check this box to have a copy of the command e-mail sent to you.

After you click the unsubscribe button, you will be returned to the Can-AccTech home page automatically.

Can-AccTech forum Welcome Message

The Welcome Message is the best written source of information on Can-AccTech policies and procedures. If you have a question, please read the Welcome Message first, since it will likely answer it. To receive a copy of the latest version of the Can-AccTech Welcome Message, enter your e-mail address in the box below and click "Submit".

Your E-mail Address:
Check this box to have a copy of the command e-mail sent to you.

After you click the submit button, you will be returned to the Can-AccTech home page automatically.

Posting a message to Can-AccTech forum

To send a message to the Can-AccTech e-mail discussion forum, send an e-mail to Can-AccTech@morochove.com from your subscribed e-mail address. Only members who have subscribed may send messages to Can-AccTech. Note: even if you subscribed to the Digest version, you still need to e-mail your message to Can-AccTech@morochove.com - it will be automatically put in the Digest by the list software.

Message Archives

Archives of the Digest version are maintained by the Morochove & Associates Inc. server. To receive a listing of the available Digests, send a message to majordomo@morochove.com with the command index can-acctech-digest in the body of the message (or use the form directly below this section). The Majordomo list management software will then send you a message that looks something like this:

>>>> index can-acctech-digest
total 14
-rw-rw----   1 majordom majordom    10744 Dec 25 01:23 v01.n001
-rw-rw----   1 majordom majordom     2801 Dec 27 10:19 v01.n002

The files you can retrieve have the names v01.n001 and so on. To get them, send a message to majordomo@morochove.com with the command get can-acctech-digest filename in the body.

Get File Listing (index)

Use this form to retrieve an index of available files.

Your E-mail Address:
Check this box to have a copy of the command e-mail sent to you.

You will be automatically returned to the Can-AccTech home page after clicking the Index button.


If you have any questions about the Can-AccTech e-mail discussion forum or the commands presented here, please e-mail Owner-Can-AccTech@morochove.com.

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