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Computer Watch
Tech at Work

Morochove & Associates Inc., computer consulting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

112 Belmont Street
Toronto, ON M5R 1P8
( +1-877-947-1427

Morochove & Associates Inc. Privacy Policy

Morochove & Associates Inc. has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to personal privacy. This discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for the following Web sites: Morochove.com, ComputerWatch.net, Can-AccTech.com, AccountNetGuide.com.

We use your IP (Internet Protocol) address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web sites. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information, such as the number of visitors from different geographical regions.

Our online surveys may ask visitors for contact information (like their e-mail address). The contact information is used to contact the visitor when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below.

We use several outside ad companies to display ads on our sites. These ads may contain cookies. Cookies received with banner ads are collected by the ad company and we do not have access to this information.

These Web sites contain links to other Web sites. Morochove & Associates Inc. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other Web sites.

Public Forums

Our sites make mailing lists, chat rooms, discussion forums and message boards available to their users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.


These sites have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Information is retained in areas which cannot be accessed via the Web or which are protected by a password security system.


Our sites provide users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us at any time.

Our sites give users the following options for removing their information from our database so as to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service.

  1. You can remove yourself from a mailing list by sending an e-mail unsubscription request to majordomo@morochove.com.
  2. E-mail webmaster@morochove.com for other matters.
  3. You can send mail directed to Morochove & Associates Inc. at the following postal address:
    112 Belmont Street, Toronto, ON  M5R 1P8 Canada.


These sites give users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.
  1. E-mail majordomo@morochove.com for changing and modifying information on mailing lists.
  2. E-mail webmaster@morochove.com for other matters.
  3. You can send mail directed to Morochove & Associates Inc. at the following postal address:
    112 Belmont Street, Toronto, ON M5R 1P8 Canada.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of our sites, or your dealings with our Web sites, you can contact:
Richard J. Morochove, FCA
Morochove & Associates Inc.
112 Belmont Street
Toronto, ON M5R 1P8

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